These requirements are for students who matriculated in academic year 2024-2025. Students who matriculated prior to fall 2024 should refer to the Archives to view the requirements for their Bulletin year.

Summary of Requirements

The Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Illustration and Emerging Media may be conferred upon a student by recommendation of the faculty and upon the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 126 semester hours of credit with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.00. All Illustration and Emerging Media majors must complete the BFA curriculum and General Education requirements.

  • Minimum grades of C- or better in DES 2001DES 2002, and DES 2003 along with an approved portfolio review are required to enter the Illustration and Emerging Media major. The purpose of the mandatory feedback session is to assist students in their planning and set them up for success in selecting and completing their chosen discipline.
  • The required Illustration and Emerging Media courses must be completed with a C- or better to fulfill major requirements.

Major Requirements for BFA in Illustration and Emerging Media

Sophomore Requirements

DES 2001Introduction to Design and Illustration3
DES 2002Introduction to Digital Tools3
DES 2003Introduction to Typography3
Total Credit Hours9


Illustration and Emerging Media majors who plan to study abroad should do so in the second semester of their sophomore year if they plan to graduate in four years. These students should see the Program Head for advising prior to leaving.

Protocol for Portfolio Feedback

There will be two portfolio feedback cycles in the Design and Illustration (DES) department each academic year: the end of the Fall semester (December) and the end of the Spring semester (May). The portfolio reviews will take place in the week after final studio course reviews. Specific dates for the reviews will be announced at the beginning of each semester in the DES 2001 classes. They will also be posted on the Design and Illustration Canvas group. All full-time DES faculty will serve on the Portfolio Feedback Committee.

Applicants must have completed all Tyler Foundations courses (or had approved transfer courses as noted by the Tyler Admissions Office) and the three (3) prerequisites for the major: DES 2001, DES 2002, and DES 2003 with a C-minus or better.

Application and Feedback

Application forms for students who wish to major in Illustration and Emerging Media will be available for eligible students in the department's Design and Illustration Canvas group.

Students who have completed or who are currently enrolled in the three prerequisites for the Illustration and Emerging Media major (DES 2001, DES 2002, and DES 2003) and intend to submit an application for the mandatory portfolio feedback session will be able to obtain an application form, template, and detailed application instructions on Canvas by mid-semester.

Incomplete or late portfolio feedback applications will not be reviewed, but students may re-apply for the next review cycle.

Following the Portfolio Feedback session, students will receive their feedback and acceptance to their chosen major. All students must confirm their intent to major by the deadline or they will forfeit their admission and will need to re-apply in the next portfolio feedback cycle.

Junior Requirements

DES 3001Design and Illustration3
DES 3002Digital Tools3
DES 3301Illustration 13
DES 3302Illustration 23
Select one DES Studio Elective from the list below3
One additional Studio Elective is required and is strongly recommended to be taken from the DES or additional Studio Electives listed below3
Illustration History Requirement
Select one of the following:4
DES 3403
History of Illustration
ARTH 2676
Total Credit Hours22


In the junior year, Illustration 1 and 2 must be taken in sequence (DES 3301 in Fall and DES 3302 in Spring).

Senior Requirements

DES 3303Illustration 33
Select two DES Studio Electives from the list below6
One additional Studio Elective is required and is strongly recommended to be taken from the DES or additional Studio Electives listed below3
Capstone Requirements
DES 4096Capstone: Thesis3
DES 4301Capstone: Illustration Portfolio3
Total Credit Hours18


  • Additional 3000-level DES courses may be taken as studio electives.
  • The Capstone DES 4096 Thesis and DES 4301 Illustration Portfolio are offered in spring semesters only. These two courses must be taken in addition to the required DES courses listed above.
  • DES 4096 is one of the two required writing intensive courses. The other writing intensive course must be DES 3596 or an Art History course.

DES Studio Electives

DES 35313
DES 35323
DES 35333
DES 35413
DES 35423
DES 35433
DES 35443
DES 35453
DES 35463
DES 35473
DES 35483
DES 35493
DES 35513
DES 35523
DES 35533
DES 35543
DES 35553
DES 35563
DES 35573
DES 35583
DES 35593
DES 35613
DES 35623
DES 35633
DES 35643
DES 35653
DES 35663
DES 35673
DES 35683
DES 35693
or ART 3041
DES 35713
DES 35723
DES 35733
DES 35853
DES 35963
DES 36513
DES 38413
DES 38423
DES 31013
DES 31023
DES 32013
DES 32023

Additional Recommended Studio Electives

ART 2701Survey of Lithography and Serigraphy3
ART 2702Survey of Etching and Relief3
ART 2704Serigraphy3
ART 2705Etching3
ART 2707Lithography3
ART 1702Artist Books, Zines and Independent Publishing3
ART 2205Book Structures3
ART 2501Painting3
or ART 2503 Painting
ART 2507Intermediate Figure Drawing3
or ART 3517 Figure Drawing
or ART 3518 Figure Drawing
ART 3503Landscape3
or ART 4503 Landscape
ART 1010Special Topics1 to 3
ART 1504Philadelphia Sketchbook3
ART 1502Introduction to Visual Language, Painting3
ART 2502Intermediate Drawing3
or ART 2504 Intermediate Drawing
ART 2506Painting Workshop3
or ART 3509 Painting Workshop
ART 3511Digital Drawing3
ART 3507Painting on Paper3
or ART 3508 Painting on Paper
ART 3504Figure Painting3
or ART 4504 Figure Painting
ART 2011Socially Engaged Arts Practices in Communities3
ART 3702Relief and Monoprint Workshop3
ART 3704Advanced Serigraphy3
ART 3705Advanced Etching3
ART 3706Advanced Lithography3
ART 2601Photo I: Digital3
ART 2602Digital Imaging3
ART 2061Moving Image and Sound3
ART 3603Darkroom Photography3
ART 3604Photographic Lighting3
ART 2611Eco-Friendly Plant Based Photo Printing3
ART 3612Photo Process Workshop3
ART 3613Digital Photography3
ART 3614The Photo Book: Making and Understanding3