These requirements are for students who matriculated in academic year 2024-2025. Students who matriculated prior to fall 2024 should refer to the Archives to view the requirements for their Bulletin year.

Summary of Degree Requirements

University Requirements

  • MATH 0701 (4 s.h.) and/or ENG 0701 (4 s.h.), if required by placement testing.
  • All Temple students must take a minimum of two writing-intensive courses as part of the major. The specific courses required for this major are NSCI 3096 and NSCI 4197.
  • Students must complete requirements of the General Education (GenEd) Program. See the General Education section of the Undergraduate Bulletin for more details.

College of Liberal Arts Requirements

  • Completion of a minimum of 123 credits, including:
    • 90 credits in CLA/CST courses;
    • 45 credits of which must be at the upper level (numbered 2000-4999).
      • For Social Science majors, 6 upper level credits (numbered 2000-4999) must be taken in Humanities Subject Areas: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Greek (Ancient), Greek and Roman Classics, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Philosophy, Religion, Russian, and Spanish in the College of Liberal Arts, Art History in the Tyler School of Art and Architecture, or any department in the College of Science and Technology.
    • A minimum GPA of 2.0, cumulatively, in CLA/CST coursework, and in the major.
    • Professional Development Requirement
      • All students in the College of Liberal Arts are required to take a 1 credit seminar in professional development. NSCI 1002 Careers in Neuroscience, PSY 1002 Careers in Psychology or CLA 1002 Professional Development for Liberal Arts Majors would be an appropriate course option for this major. Other courses that fulfill this requirement may be found on the CLA College Requirements page. Only one course in this category may count towards graduation.
    • Only courses in which a student receives a grade of at least C- can satisfy GenEd, major, or minor requirements.
    • Note: For Neuroscience majors, there is no CLA Foreign Language/Global Studies Requirement because it is a Bachelor of Science program. However, students are strongly encouraged to take the third level of a foreign language as it is the minimum required for election to the prestigious honor society Phi Beta Kappa. (Taking the course does not guarantee admission but not taking it guarantees exclusion.)

General Electives are typically one-third of a student's program of study and can be focused on a second major, a minor, or towards some other personal enrichment or professional goals. See an academic advisor for assistance in developing an academic plan for these courses.

Major Requirements (52-54 credits)

Required Courses
BIOL 1012General Biology II4
CHEM 1031
CHEM 1033
General Chemistry I
and General Chemistry Laboratory I
CHEM 1032
CHEM 1034
General Chemistry II
and General Chemistry Laboratory II
PSY 1001Introduction to Psychology3
PSY 1003Statistics for Psychology3
NSCI 1051Fundamentals of Neuroscience3
NSCI 2001Functional Neuroanatomy3
NSCI 2121Development/Plasticity/Repair3
NSCI 2122Cellular Neuroscience3
NSCI 2222The Neurobiology of Disease3
NSCI 3087Techniques in Neuroscience3
NSCI 3096Conducting Neuroscience Research3
NSCI 4197Capstone in Neuroscience4
Foundations Courses:
Select one of the following:3
PSY 2501
Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience
PSY 2502
Foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience
Select two of the following:6-8
Any course(s) in NSCI numbered 3000-4999 not used for another requirement
CSCD 3235
Human Neuroscience
CSCD 3382
Independent Study in Communication Sciences
PHIL 2144
Introduction to the Philosophy of Mind
PSY 3306
Neuroscience of Development and Aging
PSY 3561
PSY 3566
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
PSY 4182
Independent Study in Cognitive Neuroscience I
PSY 4282
Independent Study in Cognitive Neuroscience II
BIOL 3082
Independent Research II
BIOL 3204
Cell Structure and Function
BIOL 3352
Systems Neuroscience
BIOL 3354
Neural Basis of Animal Behavior
BIOL 3356
Organization and Development of the Nervous System
CHEM 3881
Cooperative Research
CHEM 4107
Drug Analysis
PHYS 3301
Electricity and Magnetism
Total Credit Hours52-54

Students should check prerequisites for all courses.